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【系综合学术报告】2023年第17期 || On subsolutions and concavity for fully nonlinear elliptic equations

报告题目 :On subsolutions and concavity for fully nonlinear elliptic equations

报告人:关波 教授 (The Ohio State University(美国))



摘要:Both subsolutions and concavity play important roles in a priori estimates and classical solvability of fully nonlinear elliptic equations. In this talk we first explore the possibility to weaken the concavity condition. In the second part clarify relations between weak notions of subsolution introduced by Szekelyhidi and myself, respectively, in attempt to treat equations on closed manifolds. More precisely, we show that these weak notions of subsolutions are equivalent for equations defined on convex cones of type 1 in the sense defined by Caffarelli, Nirenberg and Spruck.  

报告人简介:关波 (Guan Bo),美国The Ohio State University教授,国家千人计划海外学者(厦门大学)。主要从事非线性偏微分方程及其几何应用的研究,在极小曲面型方程,实和复完全非线性椭圆型方程取得了有国际影响的成果,其中部分成果发在Annals  Math等顶尖杂志上。
