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【系综合学术报告】2024年第7期 || What is a discrete Painlevé equation

报告题目: What is a discrete Painlevé equation

报告人: Anton Dzhamay 教授 (BIMSA)

报告时间: 2024328(周四)下午2:30--4:00

报告地点: 理科楼 A304

报告摘要: Discrete Painlevé equations describe discrete flows on families of certain rational algebraic surfaces known as the generalized Halphen surfaces. These equations initially appeared in diverse branches of mathematical physics, such as the theory of special functions and orthogonal polynomials, discretization of soliton-type equations, quantum gravity, and many others. However, the real origin of these equations is some beautiful (and rather elementary) birational algebraic geometry and representations of some affine Weyl groups. There are 22 types of these equations and their classification corresponds to the Kodaira classification of possible singular fibers of rational elliptic surfaces. My talk would be a very elementary introduction into some of this fascinating mathematics.
