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吴昊 Hao Wu

  • 教授
  • 电话:
  • 邮箱:haowu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


2009.9-2013.8. 法国巴黎十一大,博士; Universite Paris-Sud, France, Ph. D. 

2005.9-2009.8. 全球十大网投正规信誉官网,学士; Tsinghua University, China, Bachelor's degree. 


2017.9-今. 全球十大网投正规信誉官网,教授; Tsinghua University, China, Professor. 

2015.9-2017.8. 瑞士日内瓦大学,博士后; Geneva University, Switzerland, postdoc. 

2013.9-2015.8. 美国麻省理工学院,博士后; MIT, United States, Moore instructor. 


2000年, Schramm 引入随机过程Schramm Loewner Evolution (SLE) 使统计物理方向得到蓬勃发展。吴昊的工作主要是利用SLE研究统计物理模型,例如渗流模型、伊辛模型和高斯自由场等。

Research interest: Schramm Loewner evolution, Gaussian free field, Ising model, Uniform spanning tree. 


概率论1; Probability (1). 

概率论2; Probability (2).


2022. 阿里巴巴达摩院青橙奖; Alibaba Damo Academy Young Fellow

2022. 华人数学家ICCM数学银奖; ICCM Silver medal of mathematics

2020-2023. 北京市杰出青年科学基金; Beijing natural science foundation (JQ20001) PI. 

2019. 全球十大网投正规信誉官网学术新人奖; XUE SHU XIN REN award of Tsinghua University. 

2018. 华人数学联盟最佳论文奖; ICCM best paper award. 

2014-2017. 美国 NSF Award: DMS-1406411 (PI)



[13] Y. Feng, M. Liu, E. Peltola, H. Wu. Multiple SLEs for κ (0, 8): Coulomb gas integrals and pure partition functions. arXiv:2406.06522. 2024. 

[12] Y. Wang, H. Wu. Commutation relations for two-sided radial SLE. arXiv:2405.07082, 2024. 

[11] M. Liu, E. Peltola, H. Wu. Uniform spanning tree in topological polygons, partition functions for SLE(8), and correlations in c = −2 logarithm CFT. Ann. Probab. to appear 2024+

[10]. Y. Feng, E. Peltola, H. Wu. Connection probabilities of multiple FK-Ising interfaces. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 189(1-2): 281-367, 2024.

[9]. T. Lupu, H. Wu. A level line of the Gaussian free field with measure-valued boundary conditions. Sci. China Math. 67(2):367-404, 2024. 中国科学:数学. 

[8]. E. Peltola, H. Wu. Crossing probabilities of multiple Ising interfaces. Ann. Appl. Probab. 33(4): 3169-3206, 2023.  

[7]. J. Ding, M. Wirth, H. Wu. Crossing estimates from metric graph and discrete GFF. Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Probability. Statist. 58(3): 1740-1774, 2022.  Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare prized paper. 

[6]. V. Beffara, E. Peltola, H. Wu. On the uniqueness of global multiple SLEs. Ann. Probab. 49(1): 400-434, 2021.

[5]. H. Wu. Hypergeometric SLE: conformal Markov characterization and applications. Comm. Math. Phys. 374(2): 433-484, 2020.

[4]. E. Peltola, H. Wu. Global and local multiple SLEs for κ ≤ 4 and connection probabilities for level lines of GFF. Comm. Math. Phys. 366(2): 469-536, 2019.

[3]. H. Wu. Alternating arm exponents for the critical planar Ising model. Ann. Probab. 46(5): 2863-2907, 2018.

[2]. J. Miller, H. Wu. Intersections of SLE paths: the double and cut point dimension of SLE. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 167:45-105, 2017.

[1]. W. Werner, H. Wu. On conformally invariant CLE explorations. Comm. Math. Phys. 320(3): 637-661, 2013.


毕业研究生 past Ph. D. students: 

2018-2023 刘明昶 Mingchang Liu (2023-now, postdoc at KTH, Sweden). 

在读研究生 current Ph.D. students:

2020-now 梅键章 Jianzhang Mei. 

2020-now 冯昱 Yu Feng. 

2020-now 杨璐 Lu Yang. 

2021-now 周桢程 Zhencheng Zhou. 

2021-now 樊硕 Shuo Fan. 

2023-now 陈墨 Mo Chen.

2023-now 黄崇致 Chongzhi Huang. 

2024-now 丁家成 Jiacheng Ding. 

博士后 Postdoc:

2017-2020 韩勇 Yong Han (2020-now, faculty at Shenzhen University)

2022-now 黄翔宇 Xiangyu Huang